Case Study: Large U.S. retailer saves an average of $2,224 per injured worker with PeerWell

Per injured worker, the average PeerWell participant resulted
in $2,224 less medical claims costs and 17 days less disability
Nationally, workers’ compensation claims involving surgery average nine times more than non-surgical claims, and injured workers take longer to heal. The study client is a large retailer in the U.S., in an industry with a high prevalence of musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries. By partnering with PeerWell, the client was able to reduce worker anxiety, avoid costly complications, reduce reliance on in-person services, and help get their workers back to full health sooner.
Over the course of a two-year claims analysis, injured workers that underwent surgery and participated in PeerWell saved an average of $2,224 in medical claim costs, returned to full duty 17 days sooner, and had 90% lower temporary partial disability (as compared to the injured coworkers undergoing similar procedures who did not use PeerWell). Eight weeks after surgery, 94% of PeerWell participants “agreed that PeerWell’s pain management techniques (non-pharma) helped them to manage their pain”.
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